Postcodes in Kesh, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland

Our database currently has a total of 1 Postcode areas in Kesh, County Fermanagh..


Postcode area

Local info


Postcodes in County

1 BT93 BT93 Postcode Information County Fermanagh Postcodes in County Fermanagh

Other Towns in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland




1 Aghanglack
2 Ballinamallard Postcodes in Ballinamallard
3 Belcoo Postcodes in Belcoo
4 Belcoo east
5 Bellanaleck
6 Belleek Postcodes in Belleek
7 Bellek
8 Blaney
9 Boho Postcodes in Boho
10 Brookeborough Postcodes in Brookeborough
11 Clabby
12 Clonelly
13 Clontivrin
14 Cooneen
15 Derrygonnelly Postcodes in Derrygonnelly
16 Derrylin Postcodes in Derrylin
17 Devenish
18 Donagh
19 Drumskinny
20 Ederney
21 Enniskillen Postcodes in Enniskillen
22 Florececourt
23 Florence Court
24 Florencecourt Postcodes in Florencecourt
25 Garrison Postcodes in Garrison
26 Holywell
27 Irvinestown Postcodes in Irvinestown
28 Killadeas
29 Killyrover
30 Kilskeery
31 Kinawley
32 Lack
33 Letterbreen
34 Lisaskea
35 Lisbellaw Postcodes in Lisbellaw
36 Lisnarick
37 Lisnarrick
38 Lisnaskea Postcodes in Lisnaskea
39 Mackan
40 Magheraveely
41 Maguiresbridge Postcodes in Maguiresbridge
42 Marble Arch
43 Newtownbutler Postcodes in Newtownbutler
44 Roslea
45 Rosscor
46 Springfield
47 Tamlaght
48 Teer
49 Termon
50 White Island

Missing/incorrect postcodes in Kesh?

I try my best to keep the data accurate and up-to-date, but there are often cases where information is either missing or inccurate, so I appreciate all the help I can get. If you have any additional information about Postcodes in Kesh, County Fermanagh, please contact me.