Postcodes in Northern Ireland

Our database currently has a total of 80 postcode areas (a group of postcode districts with the same alphabetical prefix is called a postcode area) for 6 counties with in Northern Ireland.




Postcode areas in County

1 County Antrim 34 BT1, BT2, BT3, BT4, BT5, BT6, BT7, BT8, BT9, BT10, BT11, BT12, BT13, BT14, BT15, BT16, BT17, BT27, BT28, BT29, BT36, BT37, BT38, BT39, BT40, BT41, BT42, BT43, BT44, BT53, BT54, BT56, BT57, BT58
2 County Armagh 8 BT60, BT61, BT62, BT63, BT64, BT65, BT66, BT67
3 County Down 16 BT5, BT18, BT19, BT20, BT21, BT22, BT23, BT24, BT25, BT26, BT30, BT31, BT32, BT33, BT34, BT35
4 County Fermanagh 4 BT74, BT92, BT93, BT94
5 County Londonderry 7 BT45, BT46, BT47, BT48, BT49, BT51, BT55
6 County Tyrone 11 BT68, BT69, BT70, BT71, BT75, BT77, BT78, BT79, BT80, BT81, BT82
80 (unique postcodes: 79)